7 Days to Die 1.0 B330 Experimental released

A new Update has been released with one new POI.

Changelog V1.0 B330:


  • Zombie Audio Source Distance Filters
  • remnant_hospital_01


  • Default QuestProgressionDailyLimit from 3 to 4. Make sure to hit the defaults button on your game settings, change the limit before starting your save game, and/or update the serverconfig.xml
  • Inconsistent block property "BuffsWhenWalkedOn"
  • De-Reverb Base Zombie Female Audio
  • Mountain Lion is no longer extending from Dire Wolf and using its own hand item
  • Slight increase to bear entity damage to be slightly harder than little bear
  • Removed 2nd infested chest from gas_station_10


  • Quest Tier Complete could not be received if the quest was shared
  • Increase after quest Twitch cooldown to 60 seconds
  • Bikes pedals don't animate and clip into feet
  • Crossbow bolts aren't visible to 2nd parties during or after a reload
  • remnant_house_01, missing toilet to bathroom
  • gas_station_08, swapped out tree for helper
  • Traders can fall through the floor
  • Typo with the Russian translation of Wasteland
  • Typo with the German translation of Nomad armor descriptions
  • Bicycles are missing pedals
  • Crosshairs now scale relative to screen height, preventing tiny crosshairs at 4K
  • Some weapons/powered tools have duplicated reload/refuel audio for 2nd parties
  • Sorted storage reverts to unsorted state for clients after reopening
  • Spawn near backpack doesn't spawn you near the last backpack dropped
  • Animal bodies can become invisible after ragdoll moves it if a client
  • Clients would see other player's death ragdolls become standing after a moment
  • After dying and waiting to respawn, the host's body shows the heads, hands and feet on clients
  • zombies would not do a death ragdoll if standing up from a ragdoll
  • Minor typo in loot.xml
  • Wrong ingredients shown when changing tracked recipe
  • Forum Report Missing localization for tabs in the challenge window
  • Ranger gloves clipping on female character
  • Female ranger boots clipping