Changelog for b158-b163
- Writable Storage Box
- American Flag Version Flagpole
- Chair versions of plaid and leather sectional couches
- Player stats UI shows values using tags if set
- Night is darker when the moon is not full
- Add POI name to dbs command screenshots
- Boars, coyotes, dogs, mountain lions and wolves can attack while moving forward
- Items that cure a condition show 100% instead of an unspecified amount
- Updating steel club icon to match mesh changes
- Zombie bears drop testosterone extract
- Yucca juice recipe no longer needs water but is boiled in a cooking pot
- The stamina buff from cooked food does not count down while your food bar is full
- Put a small weapon bag in survivor_site_02
- Bullet casings now partially visible in iron sight aim
- Reworked laser attachment effect for desert vulture
- Boiled water does not cause dysentery
- Reduced excessive food value on super corn
- Merged heavy/light armor, all melee weapon and all ranged weapon loot groups for better performance due to fewer probability table lookups
- Schematics scaled in loot. Early on you will find more immediately useful ones like for a forge, basic recipes, seeds or medical bandages
- Deployed sledge hit distance to be entity MaxDistance and aiming will start 1m earlier
- Physics push to not angle down and if not on a ragdoll use x5 force
- Traders sell tech 3 weapons in the higher secret stash inventories
- Robo sledge YawRange changed to 170°, making it easier to place in tight quarters
- Reduced entity damage on robo sledge. Increased block damage and perkTurrets affects it
- Loot abundance to effect each item in the container instead of the master count
- Tech 2/3 guns are not autounlocked by the weapon perk. Go find yourself a schematic
- Chainsaw and auger are not unlocked by perkAdvancedEngineering
- Localization updated to support language to new blocks
- Slower recovery of the dynamic crit resistance that occurs when taking multiple hits from zombies
- Added more friendly animals to all biomes
- Enemy animals can spawn during the day in forests
- Chickens can spawn in forests now
- All animals respawn much faster than before
- 10% less resistance against stun and bleeding
- Blade trap hits don't prime the demolition zombie
- Food max stamina buffs will not overwrite if an existing higher value buff is above half duration.
- Stone block destruction doesn't fire heat events like wood or iron blocks
- Auto shotgun cannot use scopes for now
- Increased dog, dire wolf and mountain lion pain resistance
- Improved sleeper volume noise response
- Temporarily disabled reflex sight as a visible attachment on the auto shotgun
- PerkHealingFactor works while player is supposed to die from hunger or thirst
- Pyramid_05: Removed the locked lootchest at the end
- Repulsor mod is not working
- Steroids add 50% run speed instead of the stated 10%
- Regression from: Both random desk helpers are solid only on one side
- Missing documentation for how the "soft cap" on overeating works
- Wrong oven paint in apartment_brick_6_flr
- Falling window pieces in modular_03
- Replaced faucet with showerheads in fire_station_02
- BuffElementCold, buffElementFreezing, drinkJarRedTea, perkSlowMetabolism have no effect on food
- Put proper shelving support in vic_13
- Removed windowsidings from vacant_lot_05
- PerkTreasureHunter and/or Lucky Goggles are not speeding up treasure radius reduction
- 4x scope on AK47 placement issue
- Barbed wire mod not causing bleed buff
- New auto shotgun scope had no material
- Mannequin colliders shapes don't match mesh
- Stone axe fire anim moved up
- Super Corn is now unlocked by rank 2 of living off the land
- Collapsing candle on bookpile in book_01 was changed
- Armor not resisting bleed buffs
- Factual and grammar errors in the Dysentery and Survival journals
- Wrong ingredient count on ammoBundleBlunderbuss
- Not allowed to access triangles/indices on mesh while in prefab editor
- Blocks have a model for 3rd person viewers
- Ragdoll Force parameter does not work for a deployed junk sledge
- Both robotic turrets/sledges jitter while aiming at their targets
- Deployed sledge fire delay not decreasing when no target and target could not be seen at certain angles
- Trader setups have nonfunctional item quality parameters
- Robo sledge displays an ammo counter
- Several items state wrong recipe unlocks
- Molotov not applying burning when entering the flames
- Fast Food 2 has suitcase poke through bathroom hiding spot
- Added missing bock to cemetery_02's surface building's ceiling
- The new store freezers are cutting thru fog
- Pure mineral water cures dysentery?
- Transparent building mats not fogging correctly
- Candle light not illuminating surfaces when standing too close to them
- Another shelf in vic_13 was updated
- Cobwebs bright in fog
- Flagpoles did not have any harvest resources
- Wood texture seams on frames when upgraded are not lining up properly
- Better Barter 5 incorrect description
- Ranged weapons playing a second start sound on the last round
- False Max Stamina Buff from Healing Items